Samsara's route tracking provides a reliable system that enables your fleet to complete deliveries and services. With route tracking, you can plan routes and monitor them in real-time as a driver or vehicle executes those route plans. Then, to tune your route, you can use Samsara reports to determine the route’s performance and efficiency.
Samsara tracks routes by the GPS location from the vehicle traveling along the created route. By default, a route is considered started when the vehicle leaves the geofence from the start location and stays outside of the geofence for 2 consecutive minutes. A route will end when the vehicle enters the geofence of the last stop (to create geofences, see Manage an Address).
Route Tracking provides drivers a window for early or late arrivals to stops during a route. Each route has its own tracking window. By default, Samsara defines the tracking window starting at 1 hr before the scheduled start time and ending at 6 hrs after the route's scheduled end time to complete all stops within a route. The following diagram illustrates the default route tracking window:
To configure the tracking window see Dispatch Settings.
Routes assigned to the same driver or the same vehicle track sequentially. The route with the earliest scheduled start time will track first. The next route will start tracking when the first route is completed.
During route tracking, the status of a route can change as vehicles complete route stops. A route can have any of the following statuses:
Scheduled: Timeframe set for route
En Route: Vehicle is on the way to the stop
Arrived: Vehicle is at the scheduled stop
Completed: Vehicle arrived at, or departed from, the last scheduled stop
Skipped: Vehicle did not arrive at the stop
To recognize skipped stops, Samsara uses the following logic:
A stop will be marked as
if a driver arrives at a stop out of the planned order. When the route tracking window ends, any stop that hasn’t been completed will be marked as skipped. A driver can go back to a skipped stop andarrive
it as long as the route tracking window is still active.By default, a route will be marked as arrived when the vehicle is inside the stop’s geofence for two consecutive minutes. The departure of a stop will be recorded when the vehicle leaves the geofence and stays outside the geofence for 30 consecutive seconds. To configure the route stop thresholds, see Dispatch Settings. To manually edit the actual arrived or departed time or to mark a skipped route stop as completed , see Manage Routes.
The following diagram illustrates how the status can change in the context of a single stop:
Route ETAs are available for active routes and calculate at every stop status change, such as arrival or departure and regularly during the trip. If the calculated ETA is 30 minutes or more from the destination or if the driver remains at a stop for longer than the scheduled stop, the ETA continues to recalculate every 15 minutes. If the ETA is less than 30 minutes from the destination, the ETA increases recalculation frequency to every 5 minutes.
ETAs are calculated using the following logic for each scenario:
En-route ETA
: Uses the Google Maps location and real-time traffic information.Scheduled ETA
: ETA of the previous stop plus the expected stop time and the estimated travel time. To view or modify the default route stop time or stop thresholds, see Dispatch Settings.Not yet available ETA
: If the ETA is more than 10 hours before the stop's scheduled arrival time, ETA data is not provided. This omission allows for a scheduled route that may include breaks or other planned activities that would not captured by the route ETA.
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