Unpowered Asset Gateways (AGs), such as the AG45, AG46, and AG51, use GPS to record and report the device location during check-in. When the AG is unable to obtain a GPS signal, it uses an approximate location using the nearest cell tower to connect for check-in.
The error range for the cell-based location can vary from a 0.1-1.5 mile radius. Location accuracy can diminish in any of following circumstances:
Satellite signal is obstructed. Common obstructions include buildings, bridges, metallic structures (such as within metal trailers), and trees or the AG is indoor or underground.
Signal is reflecting on a nearby building or wall.
Interference in signal due to radio interference or jamming.
Interference from major solar storms.
Satellite maintenance or maneuvers causing temporary gaps in coverage.
To view the unpowered AG check-in times and locations, select the AG from the asset list (Overview ( ) > Assets > Unpowered) and locate the
Check-in History
The check-in history annotates approximate locations ( ) and the location marker on the map indicates
Approximate location due to weak GPS signal
. Hover over the location marker on the map to view the accuracy of the location.
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