Side-by-side video downloads enable you to download a single video file with side-by-side dual-facing camera footage. Videos will also include a time overlay on the upper left-hand side of the video.
For all Video Retrieval, the gateway and camera must be connected for a video to be retrieved. Once a connection has been made, the vehicle must be powered on for the gateway to upload the video to the cloud. For quicker video retrieval, do not make more than three video requests at once.
After you request video retrieval, to download the video, perform the following workflow:
From the Samsara dashboard, select Safety (
) > Safety Inbox.
Select the video.
Select download (
) from within the video box.
For dual-facing footage, select Download Combined Video:
View the road-facing footage on the left and inward-facing footage on the right.
View the timestamp in the upper left corner of the downloaded video.
For road-facing footage only, select Download Road-facing Video.
To zoom into the footage after you download the video, open the file with a compatible media player.
To enable more transparency, Samsara provides a video audit log for each video that indicates who has viewed or downloaded a harsh event video.
After an administrator has clicked play or started the video with the spacebar, Samsara will log the action. The entire video does not have to be completed; just started. In addition, the video audit log will show any administrators who have downloaded the harsh event video.
For each event, Samsara also displays the time at which the action was taken.
After watching a video, the user name will appear in the Video Viewed By and/or Video Downloaded By field after the page is refreshed. Only users who are set up as organization administrators or tag administrators will show up in the Video Viewed By or Video Downloaded By fields.
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