Tracking engine hours enables you to stay on top of maintenance, lower fuel costs, and understand inefficiencies in your operations. Synthetic Engine Hours provide a mechanism to measure and report on how long a vehicle’s engine is running, even if there are gaps in data capture.
Synthetic Engine Hours provides a backup input for estimating engine hours when engine hours can’t be read directly from the Engine Control Module (ECM). To estimate engine hours, you manually enter the engine hours to enable Samsara to establish a baseline. After entering the hours, the Synthetic Engine Hours calculation is based on when the engine is running.
Navigate to Settings > Gateways.
A banner will appear on top of the Gateways page directing you to Add Engine Hours for Vehicle Gateways missing engine hours, only if they are missing for 1+ vehicles:
Add Engine Hours and input the correct engine hours manually.
After you add the engine hours, a baseline is established. Going forward, engine hours are calculated based on engine on/off events for that vehicle:
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