To view metrics on your fleet's overall route performance over a specified period of time, navigate to Reports > Dispatch > Planned Vs Actual. This report compares the time and distance that was pre-calculated for your routes against how much time and distance was actually taken to complete the route. Use this data to understand the efficiency of your routes and identify opportunities for improvements or training.
Your fleet's overall performance is summarized at the top of the report and provides details about individual drivers and vehicles below. If desired, use the date selector at the top of the report to view route time differences and trends over a specific time range. You can also toggle between views for the difference metrics and trends graphs by measurement of distance, route time, and stop time. You can also view metrics specific to individual addresses on the Addresses tab.
To calculate the difference in route distance per driver or vehicle, Samara calculates the actual overall GPS distance covered by the vehicle on a route (driving distance starting at departure from route start location and ending at arrival to final stop location) minus the pre-calculated overall distance of a configured route (from start location to final stop location).
The report displays negative values in green and positive values in red. A negative value indicates the actual distance driven on the route was less than the planned distance. A positive value indicates the actual distance driven was above the planned distance.
To calculate the difference in route time per driver or vehicle, Samsara calculates the actual time spent on the route (difference between the actual departure time from the start location and the actual arrival at the final stop) minus the pre-calculated total route time (difference between the scheduled route start time and scheduled final stop arrival time).
The report displays negative values in green and positive values in red. A negative value indicates the actual time spent on the entire route was less than the expected time. A positive value indicates the actual time spent on the entire route was above the expected time.
To calculate the difference in stop time per driver or vehicle, Samara calculates the actual time spent at route stops (difference between the actual arrival time at an individual route stop and the actual departure time from that stop) minus the pre-calculated stop times (difference between the scheduled arrival time at a stop and scheduled departure time from that stop).
If you are viewing a current date and routes are currently in progress, Samsara automatically updates the data in the report to reflect the current available data. If no departure times are configured in routes within your selected date range, data for Planned stop time may be missing, and overall Planned vs Actual may not have data.
The report displays negative values in green and positive values in red. A negative value indicates the actual time spent at stops was less than the expected time. A positive value indicates the actual time spent at stops was more than the expected time.
To calculate the difference in stop time per address, Samara calculates the actual time spent at addresses (difference between the actual arrival time at an address and the actual departure time from that address) minus the pre-calculated stop times (difference between the scheduled arrival time at an address and scheduled departure time from that address).
For live reports that contain routes currently in progress, Samsara automatically updates the data in the report to reflect the current available data. If no departure times are configured in routes within your selected date range, data for Planned stop time may be missing, and overall Planned vs Actual may not have data.
The report indicates negative values in green and positive values in red. A negative value indicates the actual time spent at each address was less than the expected time. A positive value indicates the actual time spent at each address was more than the expected time.
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