[en] Before you begin the installation, verify that you have working plow sensors to ensure that Samsara can properly track the plow status (up versus down). To double-check that you have working plow Sensors, verify the sensor LED, voltage, and placement:
[en] The LED should only be on when the plow is down; If the sensor LED is on when the plow is up, then that sensor is bad and you will need to obtain a new sensor before continuing with installation. Similarly, if no sensor LED comes on at all when the plow is down, then that sensor is bad and you will need to obtain a replacement sensor.
[en] The sensor voltage should be 3 or greater. If it is below 3, then that sensor is bad and you will need to obtain a replacement sensor before continuing with the installation.
[en] The physical shape and placement of sensor should be correctly aligned to properly trigger a signal of plow up/down.
[en] Use the CBL-VG-CAUX cable that works with your VG54.
[en] Wire the auxiliary input to connect your plow (and other equipment, if desired).
[en] We recommend using 20-gauge copper wire. For consistency, we recommend connecting your plow sensor cable to AUX input 1 (yellow wire) on all vehicles that you want to track the plow activity. Refer to the following table and diagram for auxiliary line input mapping:
[en] Pin Assignments
[en] Wire Color
[en] AUX Input 1
[en] Yellow
[en] AUX Input 2
[en] Orange
[en] AUX Input 3
[en] Brown
[en] AUX Input 4
[en] Green
[en] AUX Input 5
[en] Purple
[en] Verify the voltage on the plow sensor using a voltmeter.
[en] When the voltage surpasses 3.3V, the vehicle gateway (VG) considers the device On. A voltage under 3.3V is considered Off. If the voltage remains off, recheck the pin assignments and that the wires are firmly connected.
[en] Verify the plow PTO data is coming through to the Samsara dashboard:
[en] Turn on the vehicle and move the plow arm up and then down. Leave the vehicle on and plow arm down for one minute.
[en] Log in to your Samsara dashboard.
[en] Verify that the plow data is received by Samsara.
[en] On the Overview page of the Samsara dashboard, search for and then select the vehicle in the list that you want to test.
[en] Click Graph Data and then select Plow from the drop down.
[en] Ensure the calendar icon is selected for Today.
[en] Verify that you see a red bar at the time the Plow is down.
[en] On the left side under Diagnostics for the vehicle, verify that the first line that says Plow displays an On status.
[en] After installation is complete and PTO has been tested on each vehicle, go to the Equipment Report.
[en] Choose the desired time frame using the date selector in the top right-hand corner.
[en] Sort the report by Activations.
[en] Even if the vehicle does not move, it will still show if there was a PTO Activation.
[en] The Equipment Report updates every 6 hours, so you will not see real-time data in the Equipment Report.
[en] Verify whether there are any vehicles that stand out as having too many PTO activations, or none at all. In these cases, investigate the operation and connection of the sensors.
[en] Set up Plow PTO Activity Tracking
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